Some people believe that students should be given more homework, while others think that homework interferes with their personal lives and free time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Issues related to course syllabi are frequently debated in today’s globalized world.
some people argue that students should be given more homework, others believe that it may interfere with their leisure
. I contend that educational institutions should find the right balance between academic
gained from extra practice and the development of non-academic
through personal time before implementing their courses. In
essay, both
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of the argument will be discussed. On the one hand, a principal concern is that academic knowledge plays a crucial role in students’ future career paths, as subjects like Mathematics, English, Physics, and Biology form the foundation of their working lives.
For instance
, as a Thai architect working for an American company, I am required to assess the structural strength of buildings and calculate lighting volumes for professional tasks.
, communication
, particularly in English, are
essential for enhancing the flow of the working process.
homework may take away from students’ free time, it can be highly beneficial in preparing them for their future careers.
On the other hand
, non-academic subjects provide many significant
, especially in
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that require connecting with other people. In
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, playing
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or music not only benefits physical and mental fitness but
helps shape individuals into more socialized persons.
For example
, people who regularly participate in public
as sports, music, or art tend to interact with others more easily than introverts in society. Extracurricular
help students find relaxation from academic studies. All things considered, I believe that the benefits of focusing on academic education are comparable to those of extracurricular
, as
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differ in terms of their backgrounds, school administrators should carefully analyze their needs before designing educational programs.
Submitted by nyentdn on

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task achievement
Your essay effectively outlines both sides of the homework debate and provides relevant examples to support your views. Try to elaborate a bit more on how the balance can be achieved, which will strengthen your task achievement score.
coherence cohesion
While your essay flows well overall, using a wider range of transitional phrases would enhance the logical structure and coherence.
task achievement
You've clearly presented both sides of the argument and provided specific and relevant examples, which enhances your task achievement score.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are well-formulated, effectively framing the essay.
coherence cohesion
The main points are well-supported, contributing positively to the coherence of the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • reinforce learning
  • academic performance
  • solidify understanding
  • time management skills
  • balance their school assignments
  • future professional responsibilities
  • encroach on
  • personal lives and free time
  • potentially leading to burnout
  • balance is key
  • relax and pursue hobbies
  • additional stress
  • mental health
  • holistic development
  • physical activities
  • social interactions
  • friction at home
  • negative attitude towards learning
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