Some people say that television is useful for education, while others say it is more useful for entertainment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

argue that it is more beneficial when TVs are utilised to educate the public, others believe that they should mainly be used to entertain
TV programs can be leveraged to teach
about certain things
due to
their broad coverage, I believe they should only be used for entertainment purposes because
can utilise them to relieve stress and boredom. On the one side, televisions are viewed as educational devices that allow a mass population to gain access to useful information. Others even go into a more extreme case and utilise their channels to broadcast recorded teaching sessions in the hope of reaching as many marginalised students as possible.
For example
, to solve the issue of learning loss happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cambodian Ministry of Education aired numerous teaching sessions on math, physics, chemistry and biology, designed for students who could not travel to schools
due to
travel restrictions imposed during the pandemic.
, I think it cannot be as effective as in-classroom education, and TVs should only be served as entertainment tools.
On the other hand
, many
turn to television because they want to be entertained. Whenever they are stressed or bored, they choose to sit in front of the TV and browse through channels for interesting programs, rather than going out for a walk or socialisation.
is particularly true for those who prefer sedentary lifestyles.
For instance
, because of the stressful weeks of work, many white-collar workers choose to stay home and watch dramas all day during the weekend to raise their mood and get ready for the next week’s work.
, I personally believe that it is more beneficial when TV broadcasters keep their programs only for entertainment purposes. In conclusion, though some
believe that it is more efficient when TVs are used as educational tools because they can reach out and bring information to many
, I think it is better that they are utilised exclusively to entertain
as it can potentially help
become less stressed and bored.
Submitted by emteeme on

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While your essay is well-structured, consider adding more depth to your arguments by including additional examples or further elaboration on the points made.
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To improve cohesion, try to use a variety of linking words and phrases to connect ideas more fluidly.
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The essay features a clear introduction and conclusion, which makes it easy to follow.
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The use of relevant specific examples strengthens your arguments and makes your essay more compelling.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • educational programs
  • informative documentaries
  • interactive learning
  • entertaining content
  • reality shows
  • cartoons
  • intellectual development
  • parental guidance
  • screen time
  • creative thinking
  • educational potential
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