Some people think that public libraries are no longer important due to the availability of digital information. Others believe that libraries still play a crucial role in society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The relevance of media centres in the digital age is a subject of ongoing debate.
some believe that
are becoming obsolete
due to
the widespread availability of online platforms, others argue that they continue to play a vital role in society.
essay will discuss both perspectives and explain why I believe bookrooms remain essential. Those who think that
are losing their importance often point to the convenience and accessibility of digital resources. Today, people can easily expose a vast array of data online, making it seem as though physical
are no longer necessary.
For instance
, educational platforms
as Coursera and Khan Academy provide a wealth of learning materials that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
As a result
, many believe that the need for traditional
is diminishing.
, supporters of public
argue that they offer more than just access to books and information.
often serve as community centres, providing spaces for study, access to technology, and educational programs that benefit people of all ages.
For example
, many
facilitate free computer classes, which are especially valuable to individuals who may not have a permit to
resources at home.
, reference centres promote social inclusion by providing a welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of their background or income level. In conclusion,
digital resources have made data more accessible, I believe that public
still play a crucial role in society. They offer unique services and foster a sense of community that cannot be fully replicated online, making them indispensable even in the digital age.
Submitted by mohamadazhariazar on

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task achievement
Pay attention to minor inaccuracies and awkward phrasing to improve clarity and precision. For example, change 'expose a vast array of data' to 'access a vast array of information.'
coherence cohesion
Strengthen coherence by adding more transitional phrases and improving the flow between ideas. For instance, use phrases like 'Furthermore' or 'Consequently' to link ideas more smoothly.
task achievement
Expand on specific examples and ideas to provide deeper analysis. For instance, when mentioning educational programs in libraries, briefly elaborate on their impact or importance.
coherence cohesion
Clear, structured argument with a balanced discussion of both perspectives.
coherence cohesion
Strong introduction and conclusion that encapsulates the main points effectively.
task achievement
Provides relevant examples to support arguments, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the essay.
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