Some consumers are increasingly choosing to buy goods that are produced in their local area, rather than imported goods. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or anegative trend?

These days, many customers prefer to purchase locally produced
rather than imported
. I strongly support them, since
simple action not only could be beneficial for an individual’s financial situation but
could lead to the progress of a
. To commence with, supporting local production
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could result in improving the gross domestic product (GDP) of a
. GDP is an economic indicator which shows the gross income that a
can obtain from selling and exporting local
.To illustrate more, when people select national brands, they will encourage local producers to elevate the size of their business and acquire enough resources to improve the quality of their
, they even will be able to export their
, the
could earn some revenue and spend it on developing the infrastructure.
For instance
, after the Second World War, Japanese people avoided importing various
and consumed their own local
,even if the quality of things was not comparable with the imported samples, after some decades Japan became one of the most successful economic powers in the world.
In addition
, most of the time the price of local
is more reasonable.
As a result
, individuals could save some money when they choose domestic
For example
the quality of some Iranian clothes is comparable with European brands, their price is lower. Needless to mention, local
can have a positive effect on the environment, because they usually need less transportation, so their carbon footprints will be less. In a nutshell, Supporting local
could result in many advantages for individuals and society.
Submitted by zohmoz93 on

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coherence cohesion
Maintain a consistent tone. The essay has a strong introduction and conclusion, but some body points could be expanded further.
logical structure
Ensure all ideas flow logically from one to the other. Sometimes the connections between the paragraphs could be more evident.
clear comprehensive ideas
To improve clarity, add more linking phrases between sentences and paragraphs. This will help in guiding the reader smoothly through your arguments.
relevant specific examples
Try to present more specific and diverse examples to back up your arguments. The given examples are effective, but a few more would strengthen your task response.
introduction conclusion present
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frames your argument.
complete response
The topic is addressed comprehensively, and the main ideas are clear and relevant.
logical structure
The essay demonstrates a logical structure with supported main points that contribute to the overall argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • carbon footprint
  • local economy
  • job creation
  • transportation time
  • preservatives
  • additives
  • cultural heritage
  • traditional methods
  • import taxes
  • shipping costs
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