A person's worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honor, kindness and trust, no longer seem important. To what extend do you agree/ disagree with this option?

In the present era,
determining an individual's worth, numerous traditional values
as charity, kindness, or trust seem less important than wealth and social standing. I agree that luxurious possessions and high status in
are the basis for valuing a
. People think a
with high-valued assets can live comfortably and possess power in
to be considered worthy. Nowadays, people prioritize their interests over kindness to celebrate luxury materials.
For instance
according to
Forbes Magazine, Kylie Jenner, one of the young billion entrepreneurs, has luxury cars, and jewellery
still total donations account for less than 1% of her total earnings to charity each year. She spends on buying expensive cars and bungalows, setting a bar for others to be financially comfortable.
, ownership of high-priced virtue rather than kind societal work is considered of high significance in judging a character.
, relations are often based on the status an individual is carrying in
For instance
, surveys show that in India families prefer to marry their sons and daughters to wealthy bureaucrats with fraud or criminal cases rather than an ordinary individual with average income and highly honoured in
. These things show how
makes ethics and moral principles less important in life.
, an unethical
tends to be more worthy than an individual possessing moral values. To summarize, everyone believes that moral standards are no longer used as the basis to judge an individual.
of owning costly articles
along with
the designation of high societal value evaluates a
as having high net worth.
Submitted by harshbhardwaj155 on

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coherence cohesion
Make sure to clarify your arguments more distinctly. Some ideas feel a bit repetitive or not fully elaborated.
coherence cohesion
Pay close attention to sentence structures to enhance the flow of your writing. Some sentences are a bit choppy or awkwardly phrased.
task achievement
Make sure your examples directly support your argument. The example of Kylie Jenner could be more deeply tied to the essay's main point.
task achievement
Expand on your points about how moral values are being overshadowed by material possessions and social status. This can provide a more compelling case.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are clear and provide a solid framework for your essay.
task achievement
The essay addresses the topic well, providing direct responses to the prompt.
coherence cohesion
You have a good command of the topic and present clear and coherent ideas overall.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • social status
  • material possessions
  • traditional values
  • luxurious lifestyles
  • high social standing
  • prioritize
  • trustworthiness
  • values are upheld
  • charity
  • community involvement
  • tight-knit communities
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