Many countries are struggling with increases in crime rates and some think that having more police on the streets is the best way to reduce these increasing levels of crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

contemporary society, followed by the increasing human population, rapid inflation rates, economic and financial, or education and unawareness issues,
could increase the crime rate in a country, especially in developing countries where term measures regarding those problems are still pristine.
, some individuals are suggesting an immediate remedy
as having more
. In
essay, I will discuss the statement’s drawbacks and advocate for its advantages. On the one hand, the idea of augmenting security by increasing the number of
is opposed.
specific action could decrease the governmental spending on other sectors, which hinders the country’s growth rates. Especially for developing countries, where their funds are limited, increasing investments in
could affect their residents’ well-being.
, more
could affect the residents’ anxiety and mental health, as
increasing amount of
could create an ominous and dangerous atmosphere, impacting their psychological health and working pace.
On the other hand
, the fact that a proportional increase in
could dwindle the amount of crime committed is advocated. With the increasing
workforce, security, and scrutiny, the decreasing cases of overlooking committing crimes and crime rates could emerge.
For instance
, with more
and workforce on site, or with more supervision catching a culprit would be more effective.
, more
could spread the awareness of increasing crimes to residents, and ensure their knowledge of the risks. In conclusion,
many repel the statement of increasing
for governmental spending, and mental and economic well-being, the advocates have outweighed the former statements with the advantages of safety.
Submitted by bendy.anhle on

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Ensure you proofread your essay to correct grammatical errors and awkward phrases. Mistakes like 'followed by the increasing human population' should be corrected.
task response
It's important to include more specific examples to substantiate your arguments. For instance, reference data or studies about increased police presence reducing crime rates in specific regions.
coherence and cohesion
While your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, the body paragraphs could be more logically structured by clearly separating individual points and making smoother transitions.
task response
Your introduction effectively sets the context and outlines the main points of the essay.
task response
You've presented both sides of the argument, which shows a balanced approach.
coherence and cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and presents your stance clearly.
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