There are some violent cartoon characters on Tv such as Mickey mouse, which bring negative influence to children. Do you agree or disagree? What types of TV programs are suitable for children

In the concurrent arena,
are influenced by cartoon characters. Many of the
have a negative impact on the kids like Micky Mouse because he is considered a violent character. I agree with it. The forthcoming paragraph sheds light on those channels that are not contagious for
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minds and
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to begin
's minds are highly impressionable, especially during the early stages of development. From ages 3 to 9,
spend a lot of time watching
on TV and may imitate the characters,
as Mickey Mouse, without realizing the negative consequences. The content of many
focuses only on fighting and abusive
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For instance
, a survey conducted in the United Kingdom revealed that about 80% of
are fixated on the character BEN 10, wanting superpowers and gadgets to solve their problems.
As a result
, their critical thinking abilities are diminished, and they may experience various negative effects like weakened eyesight, body aches, and physical inactivity.
For example
, a survey was held in the United Kingdom about the effect of animation and the result was approximately 80
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per cent
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of children
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are obsessed with the character BEN Ten and they want supper power and gadgets to solve their problems.
As a result
, their critical thinking abilities are reduced, and many other drawbacks that
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like eye-sight weakness, body aches, physically unfit. Probing ahead, there are myriads of series that increase the mental capabilities and interest to do some projects in their daily routine like watching science-based experiments; the mechanism of the r( reuse, reduce and reproduce), art manufacturing things about how to make a butterflies from paper, how to clean the society.
For instance
, The government of China trains their kids from pre-school about sewing, cleaning, cooking, and washing.
, parents should teach their
and make a timetable for their upbringing,
to sum up
affect the mind and misguide
about the World but teachers and parents always guide them and show productive things that will help in the future. Meanwhile, they should watch the artistic thing and abstract art.
Submitted by alviusman18 on

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task achievement
Ensure the introduction clearly outlines your stance on the issue and what each main paragraph will discuss.
task achievement
Make sure the body paragraphs clearly support the main argument with specific and relevant examples. Avoid repeating points for clarity.
coherence cohesion
Work on transitions between ideas and paragraphs to enhance the logical flow of arguments.
coherence cohesion
Avoid repeating examples in a way that affects coherence; use varied examples to illustrate different points.
coherence cohesion
Conclude effectively by summarizing the main points and restating your position.
task achievement
The essay addresses the prompt by discussing the negative impact of certain cartoons and suggesting suitable alternatives.
task achievement
Examples are provided to illustrate points, such as the survey on BEN 10 and the government programs in China.
coherence cohesion
The essay demonstrates an understanding of the need for coherence by having an introduction and conclusion.
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