Some people say that the governments should pay for health care and education but others think that this is not the government's responsibility.Discuss both these views and give your opinion

In the modern era, basic medical and educational facilities are the main factors in evaluating the development of a nation. A few individuals believe that authorities should bear the expenses incurred by people in these two sectors; others think it is an individual’s liability.
essay will discuss both views and my opinion
at the end
. Nowadays, numerous national governments around the globe spend a significant amount of their budget on paying people’s healthcare bills and supporting their education.
For instance
, the government of Canada spends 30% of its revenue receipts to pay the medical cost of every citizen and tuition fees up to grade 12 attracting thousands of immigrants into the country.
is how the
collected from individuals is again used on their well-being and growth.
, governments take responsibility to pay for their taxpayers.
On the other hand
, some countries believe that hospital costs should be paid by insurance companies and that the tuition fee for children is a personal expense.
For example
, in countries like India, health costs are either paid by individuals or by insurance companies, and formal education expenses are paid individually.
lowers government spending and saves money to spend on other sectors
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and administration.
, in
way, people can enjoy lower
rates but have to pay for basic necessities. In conclusion, I think it depends on the
collection if the government should bear medical or education
Fix the agreement mistake
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or not. A higher
revenue makes governments liable to pay for their citizen's basic healthcare and learning needs.
Submitted by harshbhardwaj155 on

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task achievement
To improve the essay, ensure that all the ideas are fully developed. For instance, include more details about how governments balance healthcare and education expenditures with other sectors and the impact of such decisions on society.
coherence cohesion
While the essay is coherent, transitions between paragraphs can be made smoother. Use linking phrases to maintain a better flow of ideas, such as 'Additionally,' 'Moreover,' or 'Conversely.'
coherence cohesion
Vary the sentence structures to make the essay more engaging. For example, instead of starting with 'For instance,' you could use 'By way of illustration,' or 'A prime example is,' to add variety.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction effectively sets up the discussion by presenting both views and indicating the essay will provide a personal opinion.
relevant specific examples
The essay includes relevant specific examples, such as the reference to Canada and India, which help to illustrate the points made.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion succinctly summarizes the essay's main points and reiterates the author's opinion, providing a satisfying end to the discussion.
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