Nowadays technology has advanced across the globe, new gadgets are innovated yearly. Everyone including
, has at least one of these
with them
smartphoneAdd an article
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. In
the Correct article usage
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modern life
every Correct determiner usage
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thingCorrect your spelling
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including education and
communicationsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
byChange preposition
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the help of these
, a number of them spend
hourFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for entertainment. I believe alongside the few advantages
inChange preposition
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are more.
with, the main disadvantage is that spending hours on
smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
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's eyes. Their body
areChange the verb form
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still weak
the harmful effects of radiation from the device.
, my
10 year oldAdd a hyphen
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brother used to spend hours on video
theChange the word
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from his actions that he
canWrong verb form
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not see very clearly. The doctor said that the
had harmed his eyes permanently and he
said if he was older the damage would have been less. Now my brother is always getting
and he can not read comfortably The side
effectCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
thisChange the determiner
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have on
because it will affect their education life.
On the
hand, spending a lot of time on the cellphone could be addictive.
usually get
to things
if they learn to spend
majorityAdd an article
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of their days on
smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
they will get addicted to them.
, my little
Sam, is always on
phoneCorrect article usage
show examples
movies whenever I see him and
he could not complete grade three because he could
about in class was, when to get back home and watch
restCorrect article usage
show examples
of the series.
, Sam
all the subjects at school because, of his lack of
focusingReplace the word
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with the
teacherFix the agreement mistake
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in the classes.
it Correct pronoun usage
show examples
shows the importance of teaching
how to use
hasChange the verb form
show examples
a lot of harmful impacts on
the Correct article usage
show examples
kids in
as education and health. Modern
, make our
to society. When they spend a lot of time with their
they will forget how to communicate with
and make friends. I believe the best way to prevent that kind of
problemsChange the noun form
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parents should control their
in Change preposition
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the time that they spend with phones and they should explain
forChange preposition
show examples
them what kind of
harmsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
it will cause them.