The table shows data about underground railway systems in six major cities with date open, km of routes, and passagers numbers per year in millions.

The table shows data about underground railway systems in six major cities with date open, km of routes, and passagers numbers per year in millions.
The given table illustrates the information about subway systems in 6 metropolises around the world including opening dates, the kilometres of paths, and traveller numbers annually.
, It seems that London was the first town to inaugurate its metro in 1863 and
with the most distance routes of approximately 394 km. Meanwhile, Paris and Tokyo were placed respectively in the second and third positions with 199 and 155 kms.
In addition
, Los Angeles was the
city that set up its railroad transport.
, London transported 775 million individuals yearly albeit with the most rail paths which was not much compared to Paris and Tokyo with fewer underground infrastructures. Indeed, there is no straight correlation between the extent of the rail systems and the count of commuters. Anyway, the highest figure of passengers in almost 1927 million people travelled back and forth owned Tokyo per year. And Paris was the second town with the most passengers about 1191 million citizens yearly.
, Kyoto and Los Angeles had the shortest railroads respectively at 11 and 28 kilometres, thereby logically Los Angeles with 50,000,000 and Kyoto with 45,000,000 travellers had the least number of passengers.
Submitted by TUTOO on

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