The given table illustrates the data on selling at a little restaurant in a business district in the city centre. The
trend of restaurant sales over a specific period indicates the fluctuations in weekly sales performance which has been divided into dishes vending areas including lunchtime and dinnertime per day.
The income of the eaten house for dinner is considerably much compared to the revenue from lunch all week long. By looking at the figures, Linking Words
It is clear that
the highest amount of money earned is owed on Fridays versus other days with approximately $ 6,850. Meanwhile, the average revenue from bargaining on most of the weekdays including Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday is almost $ 6.136. Linking Words
, there is a noticeable pattern that demonstrates that the effect of the weekend as an external factor on trade was negative because the lower earnings occurred on weekend days Linking Words
on Sunday the least measure of money is gained exactly $ 4.
Linking Words
, the lower money received in the lunchtime category is related to Sunday and the highest is on Wednesday. Linking Words
As well as
the restaurant Linking Words
sold the largest payment of menu items on Friday for dinner meals as a peak sale in comparison with others.Linking Words