Research shows that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people engage in unhealthy activities. What is the cause of this? What can be done?

It is a fact that health concern is ubiquitous worldwide. Scientific study shows that certain
have a positive impact on health and some are detrimental.
, a lot of
are involved in bad
there are definite causative factors for
trend, remedial actions can go a long way to address the situation.
To begin
with, one significant reason for
a situation is a lack of time.
For example
, it is observed that
often use personal vehicles to commute for both short and long distances rather than considering environmentally friendly private transportation.
is because people do not have enough time to wait for these transport systems as they are busy with their own work schedules.
, another reason for doing unhealthy
is to reduce psychological stress. To illustrate, it is observed that many
intake harmful substances like alcohol or drugs despite knowing that would be detrimental to their health to eliminate stress. The resolution of
an issue can be easily done by improving public transport facilities.
means that
transportation should be frequently and easily accessible by
In addition
, the governmental authorities should invest funds in improving public transportation and encourage people to use it.
, The government can create awareness regarding the side effects of taking unhealthy substances through campaigns on social media services like Twitter, Instagram and even Facebook.
is necessary to protect individual’s lives. In conclusion, the primary reason for doing harmful
is that lack of time and stress reduction. These can be easily resolved by the governments after improving the public transport system and spreading awareness regarding the negative effects of harmful substances.
Submitted by parmarheena277254 on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and that ideas flow logically from one to the next. There were minor issues in sentence transitions that could be polished.
task achievement
The essay could be enhanced by providing more specific examples or real-world statistics to better support the main points, especially in the paragraphs discussing psychological stress and public transport.
task achievement
The essay provides a clear and comprehensive response to the task, addressing both causes and solutions effectively.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well-structured and present, giving the essay a balanced framework.
coherence cohesion
The ideas are mostly clear and well-organized, making it easy to follow the argumentation.
task achievement
Relevant and specific examples were used to support the main points, particularly the example of public transportation and stress reduction.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • coping mechanisms
  • peer pressure
  • cultural norms
  • addiction
  • accessible and affordable
  • negative consequences
  • public knowledge
  • mental health professionals
  • support groups
  • community resources
  • stricter regulations
  • subsidize
  • work-life balance
  • personalized interventions
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