The table illustrates the percentage of spending by people, in five countries on five different needs, in 2002.
, there are 3 different items. The first Linking Words
is food, the second is clothing and the Use synonyms
is education and leisure.
As seen in the image, Turkey's national consumer expenditure on foods, drinks and tobacco is the largest and Sweden has the worst index with 32.14% and 15.77% respectively. Undisputed second place was Ireland, their spending is nearly 29% accurately 28.91%. Italy and Spain had similar results, the first Linking Words
had 16.36% and the second Use synonyms
had 18.8%.
As shown in the table, even if Italy had almost the worst indicator in the first item, they had the best Use synonyms
on clothing and footwear with 9%. The other 4 areas had roughly the same results, the biggest is 6.63% and the fewest is 5.40% properly. Noticeably humans in these countries don't spend on leisure very much, Use synonyms
for example
, the best Linking Words
is 4.35% and the minimum is approximately 2%.Use synonyms