Communication through text messaging and other instant forms of online communication are short and basic. Some people think this will be death of grammar and spelling. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As online communication increases its popularity, where
often exchange
with concise and fundamental messages, some
are concerned about the death of
and spelling. I partially agree with
, for there is growing pressure to respond instantly to establish an intimate relationship regardless of an increasing volume of
promoting their comprehension of lexical resources. On the one hand, the importance of
and spelling is more neglected as
are more encouraged to respond quickly in online communication.
In other words
, short
as well as
simple writing is preferred since it facilitates conversations.
For instance
, the use of a hush tag is increasingly popular among young adults in gathering related
about famous restaurants and movies.
, their understanding of
and spelling seems to be inferior to that of seniors, leading to their disappearance in the near future.
On the other hand
and spelling will remain significant in the age of mass
are more expected to understand critical messages. Indeed, the knowledge of sentence structures and vocabulary will be highly demanded by future generations so they can keep up with the latest trends.
, failing to understand lexical and grammatical rules can lead to misunderstanding and confusion, which can corrupt relationships.
That is
the reason why current education stresses the importance of
and spelling as schools provide more courses of comprehensive writing to advance these skills. In conclusion, I somewhat agree that the prevalent use of short and basic words in online communication leads to the death of
and spelling as young
tend to rely on incomplete sentences and signals, which facilitate conversations.
, the growing need to process mass
makes them more aware of their importance.
Submitted by mizuho on

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task response
Your essay presents a clear stance on the issue, but it can benefit from a clearer thesis statement in the introduction to better guide the reader.
coherence cohesion
While your essay is generally coherent, try to use more cohesive devices to improve the flow between paragraphs and ideas.
task response
Make sure to elaborate a bit more on some of your points and provide additional relevant examples to strengthen your arguments further.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a well-structured introduction and conclusion. The main points are well-presented and logically organized.
task response
You have addressed both sides of the argument, showing a balanced perspective.
task response
Your language use, including grammar and vocabulary, is generally good and aids in conveying your ideas clearly.
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