Some people believe that in the future, environmental problems will mean that we are unable to live on this planet. In order to survive, the human species will need to find another planet that can support life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Climate change has been a pressing issue which alters the livelihood of earthlings. Inevitably,
phenomenon stems from multifaceted causes that encompass open burning, urbanisation, and the greenhouse effect. Irrevocably, citizens were alarmed that the
cannot cope with the horrendous human activities, and will deplete over the years.
, scientists have been urged to find another liveable
Correct your spelling
Milky Way
show examples
, I stand by my opinion that the advent of
ideological approach should be exacerbated as it is intended to make mankind more ignorant of the current status of the
's well-being. Right off the bat, an intervention is paramount because even if earthlings move to another
, it does not guarantee that the
could support our activities and living styles.
For instance
, the
's depletion is mainly caused by our daily tasks, if we do not eradicate its root causes, the societal impact will be unmatched.
of looking for planetary alternatives, it is better to tackle the entrenched mindset by deterring harmful activities towards Mother Nature. Other than that, the ideological reference to moving lives to another
is biased and exclusive to those with great monetary background.
For instance
, the rocket flown by Malaysia's first astronaut cost approximately 2 billion USD. It is impossible for anyone to collect that absurd amount of money without breaking banks, just to be sent to another
with zero resources for living.
, even with worldwide government funding, it is not enough to cater to the
's entire population. In conclusion, the crux of environmental meltdown could be tackled with collaborative synergies between countries' governments and non-governmental organisations.
, it is integral for all individuals to shift paradigms and deter the escalation of
's climate suicide before it turns fatal.
Submitted by lishaanatalie on

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task achievement
Your essay efficiently addresses the topic and offers clear viewpoints, but try to include more relevant specific examples to bolster your arguments.
coherence cohesion
You can work on enhancing the flow of your essay by using more linking words and transitions between ideas and paragraphs.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion that frame your arguments well.
coherence cohesion
You present a well-structured argument that logically progresses from one idea to the next.
task achievement
Your task response is comprehensive and you present clear ideas about why you believe moving to another planet is not a feasible solution.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • environmental degradation
  • sustainable development
  • renewable energy
  • carbon footprint
  • biodiversity loss
  • climate change
  • greenhouse gases
  • deforestation
  • pollution
  • habitable planets
  • space colonization
  • terraforming
  • ethical dilemmas
  • resource allocation
  • technological advancements
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