The illustrations present how menages with electrical machines and hours of chore in those houses have changed during 1920- 2019.
, the number of families owning electrical appliances has gone up drastically through the years and the time of housework per week has declined.
The biggest change happened from 1920 to 1980, the number of refrigerators increased from 0 to 100 percent. The washing machines percentage wasn't that drastic, it started from 40 in 1920 and Linking Words
at the end
of 2019 it was 70 per cent of households that own washing machines. The use of vacuum cleaners rose slowly from 30 in 1920 to 10 Linking Words
in 2000, to later be on the same level until 2019.
The number of hours of housework decreased dramatically from 50 to 20 just in 40 years from 1920. After 1960 we can see that the line is more stable. In 2019 it reached 10 hours of chore during the week.Change the spelling
per cent