The bar chart above displays and compares how families in one country spent their weekly income in 1968 and 2018.
According to
the chart, the variations in food, housing and leisure were remarkable, Linking Words
other items, like transport or clothes expenses, were steady or not noticeable.
Linking Words
For example
, in both 1968 and 2018, the percentages of household goods were the precisely same 8%. The proportion of clothing and footwear decreased from 10% in 1968 to 5% in 2018, and the decreasing degree of fuel and power, personal goods was smaller, all lower than 5%.
As for other items, as mentioned before, saw noticeable changes. For illustration, the percentage of food was 35% in 1968, which significantly dropped to merely 17% in 2018. Linking Words
On the contrary
, those of housing and leisure rose from 10% to about 20% and 9% to over 20%, respectively.Linking Words