graph represents data about the underground system in six different metropolises. Linking Words
essay will summarise and compare them.
Beginning with physical descriptions, New York benefits from the higher number of lines, with 24 of them, followed by Beijing, with 19. Linking Words
On the other hand
, London and Mexico City only have 11 and 12, the lowest registered. Linking Words
, the Big Apple Linking Words
owns the longest system, composed of 659 miles, Linking Words
the second position goes again to Beijing with 357 miles. Even though their correspondent numbers of lines, the capital of the UK has 249 miles of the tube, beating more directed cities like Tokyo and Paris.
Moving on to information about passengers, the most crowded means of transport with 3.6 billion annual journeys is China's city, followed by the one in Japan. Linking Words
previous data, the US's most famous city doesn't have big affluence, with only 1.65 billion. Linking Words
talking about prices, the most expensive ticket by far can be bought in Great Britain, at $7.30, followed by America and France. In conclusion, the cheapest trips can be done in Mexico,at $0.23 per ticket, and in Beijing, for only $0.45.Linking Words