The maps present data on the development of Westley which has been going on since 1815 till nowadays. It clearly illustrates the extension of the
In 1815 Westley consisted of 29 houses that were built around the Use synonyms
hall and market square. Above them, there was a Church and the woods on the north and the fields on the southwest corner of the Use synonyms
. A main road connected the Westley with the Tinton village bypassing the coach inn that was located on the western side of the forest and lord Westley’s house which was standing on the northern corner of the city in front of the woods and the Lake Lenthon. On the western side of the Use synonyms
inn, there was a river with Change the verb form
Till nowadays the Correct article usage
has undergone a massive modernisation. The settlement of the houses was replaced by a business and industrial area, the church with a new shopping centre, and the fields with a cinema – only the Use synonyms
hall and the market square have remained in their original locations. The bridge for cars was replaced by the one for trains and the trucks were constructed with the main railway station in front of the cinema. The coaching inn was remodelled into the museum and in the former place of the woods a house settlement was built.Use synonyms