Every human develops different habits in
, and
, few individuals try to vary their meal plan
others hate
kind of change. In
essay, I will elaborate on both
the Correct article usage
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aspects of
On the one hand, similar tasks of the day
bringsChange the verb form
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routine fatigue.
, it makes a person monotonous and uninspiring. Some individuals are eager to try different sorts of cuisines
thatCorrect pronoun usage
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makes them more exciting and stimulating.
excitement always attracts them towards diverse varieties of
specialtiesChange the spelling
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, that curiosity for new experiments with the meals makes their
more joyful and
minimizeCorrect subject-verb agreement
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the Correct article usage
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routine fatigue.
sameCorrect your spelling
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items in the diet plans do not fulfil the complete nutrition demands of the human body. To elucidate, humans need to vary their meals
the change in seasons as during harsh winters,
humanAdd an article
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body absorbs less Vitamin D from sunlight
that Correct pronoun usage
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slowWrong verb form
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down the production of Vitamin B.
, during
intake of sesame and pumpkin seeds is mandatory.
is the explanation behind
importanceAdd an article
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of variations in
the Correct article usage
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, some citizens are happy with their uniform patterns. First and foremost, satisfaction and comfort are the reasons behind
population do not want to spend
on Change preposition
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menusCorrect article usage
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of the day and
giveCorrect subject-verb agreement
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priority to frequent
cravingFix the agreement mistake
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for dessert or some other favourites.
behaviorChange the spelling
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beneficial for their health.
, diabetic patients need
to Change preposition
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control over the bad selections of
the Correct article usage
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items. As
,Remove the comma
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they need
gluten freeAdd a hyphen
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eatables with very low sugar content to keep their desired sugar level of the body.
, these people prefer to follow strict dietary guidelines
of attracting
towards Change preposition
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top choices of treats.
habit is
practically efficient.
ThisChange the determiner
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unvaried habits save
and energy spent on
decision makingAdd a hyphen
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, meal preparation and grocery shopping. So,
sameCorrect article usage
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diet chart needs no extra
on thinkingChange preposition
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, I personally believe that
balanceCorrect article usage
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between both
the Correct article usage
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approaches is ideal.
HumanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
should spend weekdays
by Change preposition
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cyclicalCorrect article usage
show examples
but have to try unique
dishFix the agreement mistake
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on the weekends to make
more joyful.
ByChange preposition
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way, both
the Correct article usage
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consistency and exploration can be maintained.