In modern times, the way of living in the family and
behaviourCorrect article usage
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of family members are significantly changing
and options available in the
. There are different changes which
correspondsChange the verb form
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in both situations, either optimistic or a negative
affectsCorrect your spelling
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on the emotional conditions of family traditions.
In the contemporary
, there are numerous changes and
developmentFix the agreement mistake
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in the daily life routine, which plays a key role in the behavior of human psychics. In the first place,
are more getting remote and seek for
opportunities that provide a better way of living in the future,
, they move outside of their homelands by leaving
familiesCorrect pronoun usage
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notion directly affects the emotional behaviour of family structure because they rely upon each other.
, in most
, particularly Western and European
lifestyles are different from
restCorrect article usage
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of the
mostlyCorrect your spelling
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23 years of age, move outside of their
homeFix the agreement mistake
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and live life independently.
, after getting married they usually live separately from their parents which
plays a key factor in bringing changes in their lifestyles.
Comparatively, most Arab and Asian
are more likely to live their life with
parentFix the agreement mistake
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and in the joint-family system,
pattern is
the rising demands of economic conditions.
, young
are migrating to live abroad.
, migration
theChange preposition
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minimum influence of traditional norms to be implemented by the young
in other
, now
are not encouraging their conventional means which results in the diminishing of traditions in the
The changing pattern of lifestyle and the
behaviorChange the spelling
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of members play a vital role in conjoining the family,
, the mentality of
is changing and they are developing themselves under the reliance
ofChange preposition
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the Correct article usage
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technology and economic race. For some reasons, it is good to maintain
economicCorrect article usage
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conditions of a family,
one should not leave behind the family traditions.
In conclusion, there are some leading reasons that play a significant role in the living structure of families and
effectsVerb problem
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different scenarios. And, apparently, they should not be encouraged on
theCorrect article usage
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vast level, because it may
causeVerb problem
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negativeAdd an article
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impact on the emotional behaviour of older
in the family.