The table demonstrates answers from participants of a study about McGill University in 2005, 2010 and 2015.
, it is composed of 5 different categories which were marked by survey takers whether the university possesses listed resources or not, Linking Words
as education quality, library materials, services for students, selection of modules offered and sports facilities.
To look at details, it can be clearly seen that the library section was overtaking the other sections in all 3 periods since its value always exceeded 80 points, except in 2015. To give a Linking Words
explanation, it was done by student services which reached a mark of 95 in 2015, 81 in 2010 and 54 in 2005.
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, teaching quality and provided facilities were almost at the same value since both surpassed the rate of 64, Linking Words
, the former showed better results at about 75 mean value.
Unlike the above-mentioned sections, the range of modules was obviously suffering from a lack of votes, since it was less than 40 points each given year, making it the worst candidate among them.Linking Words