It is believed that artificial intelligence will replace every job that could be automated.
argument is super trendy nowadays as society is concerned about what their life would look like if that happened. From my point of view, even though there are some positive points there are others that are not as well seen as getting fired because of robots.
On the one hand, being able to have more free time to do activities that people really enjoy or even spending more quality time with family and friends sounds fantastic. Linking Words
, if machines take all jobs, individuals would not have salaries and, Linking Words
as a consequence
, not enough money to afford a living. Linking Words
For instance
, recently thousands of workers have been fired because AI has become more productive than humans. Linking Words
As a result
, all of them are now at home without income and having to pay for their rent, and food, among others; their mental health is affected and there is no leisure that can improve their situation. Linking Words
, I consider that there are some policies that could be implemented by the government to solve it.
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On the other hand
, there are some works that are considered extremely dangerous which if replaced by machines could save many lives. Linking Words
For example
, scientists and engineers have developed robots that are able to get into war fields that have been mined and decode the bombs, so the special forces do not have to risk their lives doing it. In my opinion, Linking Words
use is one of the best inventions ever as those people are now able to find safer employment.
To summarize, AI is improving life in general making a safer environment for everyone. I strongly believe that if technology is used on good terms could be a game changer, no matter what the disadvantages are now because all of them could disappear. Linking Words
In addition
, if measures are taken like regulations about its use by having alternatives for the people who are been displaced by machines.Linking Words