The presented pie charts compare data about the percentage of local authority's investment in 9 various factors at 2 points in time namely 2010 and 2015.
, it was important that the sections of all items other than welfare and interest on borrowing decreased over the period of 5 years.
Linking Words
According to
the graphs, Education, the main element that hit the highest proportion at both times, formed just under a quarter in 2010; Linking Words
it was 3% reduced in 2015, from the prior time. Health care made up 21% in 2010; Linking Words
it declined to one-fifth in 2015. Pension constituted the same portion in both years at 19%. Defence fell from 17% in 2010 to 14% in 2015.
The diagrams demonstrate that welfare and interest on borrowing were Linking Words
in contrast
to all factors owing to the fact that they respectively composed 8% and 5% in the beginning. Linking Words
, they rose to 13 and 10 per cent. Linking Words
, at the start, Transportation and culture & leisure reported 3% and 2% after that, they made up 1% the same as the Others fraction at both times.Linking Words