It is believed by some people that acceptance is the ultimate way of dealing with bad situations,
as a non-appealing job; others believe that you should try and change the bad circumstances you are put into. I believe that both opinions should be viewed as complementary ideas rather than opposing ones.
On the one hand, those who argue that we should accept any condition we are put into might present valid points.
is because gratefulness is the key trait anyone should have in order to reach a peaceful and satisfactory job.
, adopting greedy behaviour towards any unfair state would not make it vanish;
, you will develop envy and hatred towards other people whose lives seem perfect.
, a lot of the circumstances that life puts us in are likely unchangeable;
, greed and envy will be a waste of time and effort that can be put into making the best of our current situation.
, a high school graduate, who did not get into his dream profession, should not be wasting time in sadness but rather make the best of his new major and accept his upcoming job.
, viewing acceptance and effort-making as two opposing approaches rather than complementary notions when dealing with problems is a misleading and unfair assumption.
, working hard to improve your circumstances does not contradict the level of acceptance and gratefulness you establish but rather is proof of your drive to have a better life that suits your needs.
, an adequate-level person trying to provide his children with higher-quality education does not exactly indicate the lack of financial management of that father but
is proof of him trying to fix his financial situation through investing in the literacy of his kids, which will eventually pay him back. Looking at the other side of the argument, if that father did not care about his children’s education and chose to “accept” his social/financial level, he and his family would likely remain in poverty for the rest of their lives.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that approval of different affairs is a demanded criterion that everyone should be able to adopt.
, working hard to improve that affair does not reduce the level of gratefulness a person has.