Most argue that it is not the responsibility of the ministry to offer the provision of funding to arts and believe that it is better to spend money on healthcare and education. I completely agree with
opinion and think that humanistic disciplines are crucial for society in the same way.
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, governments are formed for the betterment of society. Linking Words
, arts contribute to the development of the culture of some nations. It is important because culture designs the identity of individuals and creates skills for maintaining the folklore of social groups. Linking Words
For example
, Colombia's authority has designed a program which tries to keep alive the Bambuco music, it is a typical music in Tolima's region and is a crucial part of citizens. In Linking Words
way, Tolima's people keep their traditional roots thanks to programs focused on creative activities .
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On the other hand
, nations must spend money on medical management and brainwashing which are essential human rights. It is crucial for people who do not have enough resources. Linking Words
For instance
, Colombia has several regions where poor populations need a deep intervention in healthcare and education, it is a specific case in which authorities must tackle the issue. Linking Words
, Linking Words
kind of problem has been focused on helping society.
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To conclude
, Linking Words
medical management and education are crucial for individuals, artworks are Linking Words
paramount in civilization. In my opinion, the ministry should spend money on programs which help to develop artwork to keep the people's identity and knowledge about their roots and their ancestors.Linking Words