believe that become an international traveller
nowdaysCorrect the word
show examples
, just
spendWrong verb form
show examples
lowAdd an article
show examples
cost to visit some
and some
Add an article
show examples
doorFix the agreement mistake
show examples
openedReplace the word
show examples
. I believe that international
travellerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
bring a lot of positive outcomes
its drawbacks.
On the one hand, the downsides of welcoming foreign visitors are varied.
over Change preposition
show examples
the place that
localFix the agreement mistake
show examples
visitsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
happenedChange the verb form
show examples
, and degrading
localCorrect article usage
show examples
lifeChange preposition
show examples
, Bandung as one of comfortable urban
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in Indonesia has already become overcrowded because a lot of
windyChange preposition
show examples
clementCorrect word choice
show examples
environmentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that can be found only in Bandung.
will impact how locals experience good things and detract
experienceCorrect article usage
show examples
, the benefit of international
travelerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
would exceed all
thoseCorrect determiner usage
show examples
drawbacks that
hasChange the verb form
show examples
been mentioned.
improvement on regional economic sides, more occupations will be created to accommodate the needs of
. Local
more Correct quantifier usage
show examples
Add an article
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jobFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in the hospitality and service sectors that can drive local
peopleChange noun form
show examples
living standards
incomeCorrect article usage
show examples
that Correct pronoun usage
show examples
earned by attracting a lot of
growthCorrect article usage
show examples
of cultural
tourismCorrect article usage
show examples
industry would be an
eye openingCorrect your spelling
show examples
touristFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to learn from
interactCorrect word choice
show examples
, leading to a more tolerant and diverse society. If
Add an article
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touristFix the agreement mistake
show examples
haveChange the verb form
show examples
an opportunity to learn the culture of society, it will make the name of
itsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
famous by learning the culture in
tourismAdd an article
show examples
industry because it
bringChange the verb form
show examples
uniquenessAdd an article
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ofChange preposition
show examples
In conclusion, it appears to me that the merits of international tourism are more notable than its drawbacks.