Teaching children through books is a boring concept
Change preposition
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by Change preposition
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showing them in the form of pictures, videos on screen or computer is the best option. I completely agree with the statement and in my
it should be compulsory in
the Correct article usage
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the Correct article usage
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technology is playing a crucial role in
everyoneChange noun form
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life. Guiding children in schools with the help of gadgets and using
the Correct article usage
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advanced technology will
beVerb problem
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easy for
to learn and grasp the concepts.
, in chemistry , there are some topics like chemical reactions which
can't perform
all Correct pronoun usage
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of Change preposition
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them Correct pronoun usage
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because of harmful chemicals and some are not available
safety reasons.
ItsReplace the word
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easy to show them on the screen how 2 chemicals react and
whatsCorrect your spelling
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the outcome.
, some
findsChange the verb form
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studying through
bookFix the agreement mistake
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is Unnecessary verb
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boring and they stop showing their interest in
studyWrong verb form
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lowerCorrect subject-verb agreement
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their academic performance. If
teacherFix the agreement mistake
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start using
the Correct article usage
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new technology
as teaching the topic with the help of pictures, videos, with different colours and fonts to encourage and attract the
studentsChange to a genitive case
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attention, will help children in fast learning.
, the
performance of the
reflectWrong verb form
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on the report card.
In conclusion,
start Verb problem
show examples
with the help of short movies, pictures, animations and others will be more fun and learning at the same time. Schools should invest some money
onChange preposition
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concept and
by Change preposition
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installing the projector in classrooms will engage