Write a letter to the local council about plans to close a children's playground in your area in your letter, you should: -say why children are not using the playground -Explain how important the playground is for the local community -Suggest how the playground could be improved
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing
letter to express the significance of the children's playground in Sec - 69, Gurgaon for its residents.
I recently read an article in the daily newspaper that the government is planning to shut Linking Words
Linking Words
park and build a township to overcome the housing challenges in the city. Change preposition
down this
Linking Words
, I do understand that currently we are facing huge housing crises in Correct word choice
part of the country and there is a large demand for additional residential accommodation.
But, we cannot neglect the necessity for parks and Linking Words
. There is a common utility of these parks, especially for the young ones.
Correct your spelling
play zones
, Linking Words
play Linking Words
in particular
is of great importance for all residents from all generations. The elderly use it for the morning and evening walks, the young men and women use it for strolling and jogging and the kids use it for their play. Linking Words
, the importance of the park does not end here it is more of a meeting place and a common hangout zone. Linking Words
, its vitality is beyond explanation.
Linking Words
, I would request for the upgradation of Linking Words
park. We can plan to install more benches to help the people to sit and rewind and arrange to fix Linking Words
soft mattresses near the swings to prevent the kids from getting hurt.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.
Yours sincerely,
Marisa ThompsonCorrect article usage
a few
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Coherence and Cohesion
Consider rephrasing the introduction for a clearer purpose. Perhaps start with a direct statement about the playground's importance.
Task Achievement
Use more specific examples of how children are currently not using the playground, which would strengthen your argument.
Coherence and Cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph focuses on one clear idea to improve clarity and strengthen your points.
Task Achievement
You effectively explain the importance of the playground for various community members, showcasing its role as a communal space.
Task Achievement
The polite tone of your letter is commendable, and your request for assistance is well articulated.
Structure your letter
A letter needs to be written using a proper format, including the following:
- A greeting (Dear sir/madam, Dear John, Dear Mr. Smith)
- The main body (consisting of paragraphs for each part of the letter)
- A closing (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Kind regards, Love)
When writing a letter as part of the IELTS General Training Writing Task 1, it is important to include the bullet points presented to you in the question.
All three bullet points need to be presented. And remember that some bullet points contain more than one element. So, make sure to watch for ‘and’ and plurals.