The table compares the information about movies by genre, including the quantity and percentage of income from sold tickets in the UK and Ireland in 2012.
, the worst profitable genres are documentaries and thrillers , Linking Words
comedy and horror films are the most gainful in the chart. Documentary and drama movies have the most number of releases, Linking Words
biopics have the least.
In total, 148 films were released that year. The biggest amount of profit was brought by styles Linking Words
as comedy and horror , in sum 65.6 per cent of the revenue , with 26 films and 14 , respectively. Linking Words
In contrast
, documentaries and dramas accounted for around 50% of all movies but had only 11-12% of revenue from ticket sales.
By 2012 , only one film with the genre biopic was out, which made a profit as same as the genres crime and action together. Linking Words
, other styles account for only 5.4% of all releases , and genres like thriller and romance have lower earnings per cent than it , with 1.3 and 0.8 proportions relatively.Linking Words