The maps illustrate modifications that have taken place in these areas: Meadowside Village, Fonton and a neighbouring town, from 1962 to the present day.
countryside surrounded by water into a connected residential city. Two villages were connected with geographical alterations.
First of all from 1962 to 1985, two villages were increased and related by a small road. In the Meadowside village, many buildings were constructed and built 2 roads , one of which was like a bridge between 2 hamlets. Among the buildings that were built were the leisure complex, a housing estate and a superstore.
, we may see significant changes geographically and residentially. There was considerable development of the settlement over these years and it was gradually transformed fromLinking Words
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from 1985 to the present day, 2 zones were connected. A lot of buildings were built. In the middle of the two towns were constructed a hotel, a business park and a station. Linking Words
, a railway was developed Linking Words
together with
the station , it goes east to Fonton Countryside.Linking Words