advanceReplace the word
show examples
development of our world,
nowadays often stay
touchChange preposition
show examples
with each other or
to Fix the infinitive
show examples
catch up with the latest news by using social
. In my view, the advantages of using social
to stay tuned outweigh the disadvantages.
, using
the Correct article usage
show examples
to get the newest resources and to keep in touch with each other using the social
has its downsides. Searching on the internet for
informationsChange the wording
pieces of information
show examples
or new events may
gotVerb problem
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
scamsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
by getting wrong or fake
, influencing readers
in gettingChange preposition
show examples
their resources. The drawbacks of keeping in touch by using social
instagramChange the capitalization
show examples
facebookCapitalize word
show examples
snapchatChange the capitalization
show examples
are mainly the leak of personal
and online
fraudsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Hackers from all over the world always steal
usersChange noun form
show examples
to do illegal activities by hacking into one's online
accountFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and to steal their personal
of the leak of personal data, online
fraudsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
isChange the verb form
show examples
a problem, especially
toChange preposition
show examples
elderliesReplace the word
show examples
, the
useWrong verb form
show examples
to fake their identity and call different
pretending that they're the sons or daughters, relatives, or friends of the person on the phone,
to defraud someone's money. Most of the victims are
elderliesReplace the word
show examples
there are
adults and teenagers who encountered
kind of fraud.
, I believe that there are more pros in surfing
the Correct article usage
show examples
to get
and to stay connected with
around us.
, the
of social
can be a convenient way for families whose members or relatives left their homes, cities or countries, or
long distanceAdd a hyphen
show examples
couples. As it's difficult for them to meet each other face to face, they can contact each other online anywhere and anytime by using
the Correct article usage
show examples
, they are able to share their living in a different place, their recent situation or to express their love to each other, which benefits them to stay tuned with each other and to prevent their relationship from becoming distant.
, using
the Correct article usage
show examples
to look for
latestAdd an article
show examples
news or
newestCorrect article usage
show examples
events has its good.
ItsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
is far more convenient to get the resources by looking up the internet than using the original method by reading the newspapers, books,
textbookFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, learning from teachers or asking classmates. We can easily get our
by clicking
intoChange preposition
show examples
online news
platformFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, watching
youtubeCorrect your spelling
show examples
readingCorrect word choice
show examples
blogs or online books.
from taking heavy books or going to the libraries.
, the
of social
has its pros and cons. In my opinion, the good
areChange the verb form
show examples
more than the bad when
the Correct article usage
show examples
properly and carefully,
by preventingChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
scams, loss of
data, and online
fraudsFix the agreement mistake
show examples