are becoming more popular for their work because of social media platforms and the support of the government. It is often argued that the ministry is wasting a huge amount of capital on
, they should use the fund
on resolvingChange preposition
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other major problems in the
. I agree with the second view to a greater extent but
not denying the benefits of spending currency on the
. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will discuss the topic in detail.
On the one side, Art is a strength for any nation to showcase their culture and heritage internationally. To explain, In the modern world, There are a lot of
that are famous globally and
makingWrong verb form
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a large impact on the audience. They all are showing their culture on a bigger stage which helps any
to be famous and it helps to make good political bonds between different nations.
, spending money on the arts leads to an increase in
economicCorrect article usage
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levels of a nation.
, When
are performing on grand levels it helps to create an effect on the individuals and they become curious to know more about the culture which will lead to more tourists coming to the
. In the end, it results in the growing economy of a state or nation.
side, There are other major issues in society that need assistance from the ministry like poverty line, medical issues educational problems etc. To exemplify, There are plenty of people under the poverty line who do not have enough resources for medical treatments and they are dealing with major health problems. The government should provide better and cheaper treatments to them
of wasting all the capital on roles.
, a survey conducted by
IndianCorrect article usage
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health organization Correct your spelling
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in 2022 shows that most people( 8 out of 10) are not able to survive health diseases because they do not have enough resources for treatment. Moving forward, the nations that are facing unemployment should consider financing self-employed businesses to make a difference in society rather than pouring bunches of
billFix the agreement mistake
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, there is no doubt that
are able to promote the civilization and heritage of a
on a bigger level,
, focusing on other pivotal issues in the
equally important for the authorities.