The two maps illustrate changes in road access to the central town clinic between 2007 and 2010.
, we can notice that the hospital became bigger and more comfortable for workers and visitors. It was modified slightly and we can see the progress of modernisation over the period of 3 years.
First of all, the parking lot used to be for both employees and the public in 2007. Linking Words
, it was redeveloped into a staff car park. Linking Words
In addition
, the area for the public was built on the east of the clinic with a gate to roads. The bus station was constructed opposite the employee parking zone in 2010, establishing a bigger centre for buses Linking Words
of 6 six stops.
Ring Road, Linking Words
on the other hand
, was reconstructed only on the south side.Noticeably, Hospital Street and Ring Street were connected, by adding two roundabouts and making two passages to a bus station. The medical centre was developed for the convenience of customers with new facilities.Linking Words