contemporaryAdd an article
show examples
world, technological advancement plays a
role in human life.
, many
individualFix the agreement mistake
show examples
believe that the new technical
promote the connectivity of humankind,
others argue that it only
separateReplace the word
show examples
human connection because some older
generationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
find that their
tend to spend
their Correct pronoun usage
show examples
most of
theChange the word
show examples
in front of computers.
, I believe that
supports mankind in extensive
wayFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to stay connected with the innovation of new
as introducing many social media platforms and calling
. In
I will discuss these
reasonFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to support my perspective.
On the one hand, there is a belief that
,Remove the comma
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
discourageCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to meetChange preposition
show examples
in person
of they make a phone call.
, in modern
the younger generation
spendChange the verb form
show examples
most of
theChange the word
show examples
in front of
computerAdd an article
show examples
not only exerting their college work but
, enjoying themselves by playing
games. To illustrate
, the recent study conducted by
ElectronicCorrect article usage
show examples
Sports Ministry in the USA reveals that 80% of student tend to spend their
on Change preposition
show examples
of playing outside.
, because of that some can argue
demoteCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
social relationships.
, it is evident that
helps to improve communication from
Correct article usage
show examples
of options
asChange preposition
show examples
an Correct article usage
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
present there are many social platform that enables
to express their feelings and
experienceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in public.
, in the modern
the cost
forChange preposition
show examples
telecomunicationCorrect your spelling
is much more reasonable than
earlierChange preposition
show examples
to that there are
lotCorrect article usage
show examples
of calling
like face
calling which enables
calls. For
an Correct article usage
show examples
instantReplace the word
show examples
, a survey conducted by GOOGLE
illustrateCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
that 90% of
the Correct article usage
show examples
migrantFix the agreement mistake
show examples
now enjoy the usage of technological aspects in order to be in
touchedChange the form of the verb
show examples
with their loved ones, they
cite that in earlier days
did not
hadChange the verb form
show examples
that chance.
the significant impact of
the Correct article usage
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
personal relationships.
In conclusion, I believe most
of Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
to keep their relationships by consuming
as social media and
some still believe that it only
increaseChange the verb form
show examples
the distance of
theChange the word
show examples
personal affairs
not only young
spentWrong verb form
show examples
most of their
to use computers but
, they prefer online meetups. In order to keep the world more
uniteWrong verb form
show examples
governmentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
have a
role to play and
must act upon it by lifting telecommunication taxes.