It is an undeniable fact that most
of Change preposition
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guardians claim that daycares and
preschoolFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are the best places for the growth of their
offspringsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, others are opposite of
view and they believe that only
are better for their development.
essay will elaborate
bothChange preposition
show examples
perspectives in upcoming
On the one hand, there are
some Correct quantifier usage
show examples
various factors which can prove
that Correct word choice
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why parents think preschool are best service for their kids
?Change the punctuation
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The first and foremost thing is that there are numerous people who are living in nuclear
trend they do not have their parents with
themselvesCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
. So,
situation, they do not have any option
toCorrect word choice
show examples
leave their youngsters in the preschools which they find good service for them.
, in these schools, they have
well experiencedAdd a hyphen
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trainers who can take care of kids very well because they know which food is good for them and what type of activities can
sharpReplace the word
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mindFix the agreement mistake
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, by considering all these facts, it is true daycares are better for
child'sCorrect article usage
show examples
, there are some other facts which support
latterCorrect article usage
show examples
statement. The first thing is that
can be the best teachers for their children because when they spend
wholeAdd an article
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time with them
they get a chance to know about
lotChange the article
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of other things
whatCorrect word choice
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are doing in their daily activities.
, if
particularAdd an article
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interest in reading books
, of
courseAdd the comma(s)
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typeFix the agreement mistake
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of habits can be seen in the behaviour of one child which is
reallyAdd an article
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very fruitful activity for the young ones. In spite of
, whatever their
are doing in their daily life
, their kids observe them how they are doing
?Change the punctuation
show examples
and they think as well what is the purpose of doing so.
inevitableAdd an article
an inevitable
the inevitable
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
the upbringing of children.
In conclusion,
me, preschool involvement has its own importance
requirementFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of parents. But,
can mould the
childChange noun form
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growth in
betterAdd an article
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way because they have life experience and they know very well what is good or wrong for the nourishment of children.