The role of various sports has been always a topic of discussion, and now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is significant
others reject
notion, as they believe it is just a relaxation activity.
,Remove the comma
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there may be a couple of reasons to support the latter viewpoint, I strongly agree sporting activities hold more than just a pastime thing to do.
There are myriad reasons to elaborate the arguments but the most preponderant
stems from the fact that participation in sporting events mostly requires
tremendousAdd an article
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level of dedication and
practicesFix the agreement mistake
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, people have shown less interest
seriousness towards it, leading to
it as a way to spend time with
closedReplace the word
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, not only
familyAdd a missing verb
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members play different outdoor or indoor
with each other, but friends get together for video
, as per the report by
NationalCorrect article usage
show examples
Institute of Canada, only
out of ten students
are Unnecessary verb
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tend to pursue their career
intoChange preposition
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athletic fields, considering its difficulties and low success rate.
, there are some notable contributions by
athletismCorrect your spelling
show examples
that negate these arguments and which can certainly overwhelm the possible
trend but the most outstanding
come with its
outcomes afterwards.
, playing outdoor
, like football, may act as
a Remove the article
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toChange preposition
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your body, leading to
haveChange the verb form
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and stamina.
, indoor
mostly challenge your mental ability, namely Chess.
this recreational activitiesChange the determiner
this recreational activity
these recreational activities
show examples
considered for improving your
the arguments aforementioned above,
can reach
to Change preposition
show examples
aCorrect article usage
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conclusion that
the Correct article usage
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people should appreciate
significantAdd an article
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value of recreational
, rather than tagging
asCorrect pronoun usage
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thingsFix the agreement mistake
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to do.
, its potential advantages undoubtedly
dependsChange the verb form
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