It is no exaggeration to say that
majorityCorrect article usage
show examples
are saying ample
of Change preposition
show examples
facilities are better way to enhance public
others say
exceptChange preposition
show examples
other measures are good as
will have less
impactsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. I am going to discuss both views in upcoming paragraphs and will give my own opinion as well.
embarkVerb problem
show examples
with, as per
thinkingCorrect article usage
show examples
of some
have great impacts on public
. To explain, in
modern era
are usually working five days
in Change preposition
show examples
a week
they are unable to do
do face to faceCorrect your spelling
show examples
interactions with their friends. By playing
they can spend plenty of
with friends.
, if parents
will Verb problem
show examples
spend their
to playChange the verb form
show examples
outside it will
putVerb problem
show examples
betterAdd an article
show examples
impact on their kids. To elaborate, nowadays children spend plenty of
in front computer
playing video
and so on which has not only many side effects but
as obesity, poor eyesight and many more.
, a survey
was Unnecessary verb
show examples
in China
2019Change preposition
show examples
has Unnecessary verb
show examples
showed in one city of China kids who had more interest in
areWrong verb form
show examples
more active and healthy
opposedCorrect word choice
show examples
to others.
, others
consideredWrong verb form
show examples
that there are many other measures
areCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
helpful for public
. First and formest, many
busyAdd an article
show examples
scheduleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
during their day
so they do not prefer to talk with anyone after
finishReplace the word
show examples
working hours. To explain,
those kindChange the determiner
show examples
of folks prefer to go to
gymAdd an article
show examples
and for yoga classes to keep their mind calm and fresh because during their day
they feel
loadAdd an article
show examples
of work.
, a survey showed,
80Correct word choice
show examples
% of American
do night shifts and have no
to play
in the morning so they do yoga
taking online classes at home
alsoCorrect word choice
show examples
more calmReplace the words
show examples
In my opinion,
should go for
their kids will
motivateChange the verb form
show examples
regarding their national
and they can get
chanceCorrect article usage
show examples
to explore out of
countryAdd an article
show examples
as well.
In conclusion,
have both positive and
impacts as
iChange the capitalization
show examples
mentioned above but
these have
more Change the word
show examples
better effects as
compareChange the form of the verb
show examples
to other public facilities.