The environmentalCorrect article usage
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degradation is significantly increasing and
mainChange the article
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culprit behind
issue is over dependancy on
materials including bags, bottles and disposable packaging. In my opinion,
problem requires
cooperationAdd an article
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of both individuals and authorities
appearCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to be more rational.
essay will
discuss the harmful effects of
environmentAdd an article
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some remedies to solve
problem and
will lead to a logical conclusion.
areChange the verb form
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myriadAdd an article
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of Change preposition
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reasons which will
argument but the most preponderant one is that
priseCorrect your spelling
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efficiency and easy production technique of
materials often
attractsCorrect subject-verb agreement
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industries and consumers.
, the high
demandsFix the agreement mistake
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ofChange preposition
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manufacturing has
servesChange the verb form
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natural calamities.
, numerous countries are facing challenges in community waste management and alleviating junk mountains, which ultimately,
influencingWrong verb form
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humansChange the noun form
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health issues and
pollutingWrong verb form
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environmentCorrect article usage
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via water pollution, air pollution and soil infertility.
StepFix the agreement mistake
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to deal with
problem are many but the most significant
oneFix the agreement mistake
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are not complicated but accessible and practical,
governmentAdd an article
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should enforce strict regulations to reduce
supplyCorrect article usage
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and excessive use of
the Correct article usage
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, rising public awareness about sustainable alternatives
, Remove the comma
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steel or glass
bottleFix the agreement mistake
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and paper or
shopping bags can encourage more eco-friendly choices.
playsCorrect subject-verb agreement
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crucialAdd an article
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role in tackling environmental issues and reducing waste.
To recapitulate,
the arguments aforementioned, one
reachCorrect subject-verb agreement
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to Change preposition
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the conclusion that environmental degradation via over-reliance on
materials can be successfully addressed, by enforcing strict regulations and aware people
aboutChange preposition
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reliable products.