The pie chart represents the prevalence of different ways of consuming data in Canada and Australia. Each diagram illustrates the percentage of 5 distinctive types of announcements spreading
as TV, radio, print, online and one “not specified “section.
Linking Words
According to
the graph, the most prevailing way of accessing information in Canada is TV, Linking Words
the second place is taken by online media. The least popular types of information are radio and printed ones. In Australia, the most spread method of learning new headings is online news.Other trends of the Australian outline are pretty similar to the Canadian one with “print” and “radio” sections being the smallest ones.
The pie chart illustrates, that 40% of the population in Canada uses TV to learn current events. 36% of people in Linking Words
country use social media to do so. In Australia, more than half of the country uses online resources to get access to a fresh report. And the other half of people apply other types of services.Linking Words