As the world continues to evolve, it is safe to say that technology has come to play a major role in its development and advancement. A significant feature is the increased usage of mobile
in our current society brought on by
diverseCorrect article usage
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itCorrect pronoun usage
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can provide other than being just a means to make calls. In
essay, I will talk about the pros and
the Correct article usage
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cons of increased mobile
usage in our current generation and how
affects us as a society.
, as a Software Support Agent, I can firmly agree that the diverse functions of a mobile
hasChange the verb form
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made working in
century easier. With my
, I can join meetings alongside my colleagues from different parts of the world. I can respond to emails and chats swiftly without the need to log into my work profile on my laptop, and
, perform certain job roles on the spot. My
is like my personal assistant, connecting me to various activities and keeping me informed of the latest activities around the Globe. In many fields, mobile
can be seen as a
work stationCorrect your spelling
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or a mini laptop.
, content creators who
for content making on social media platforms, online classes where mobile
are used to join study sessions and take notes, PAs (Personal Assistants) who
as their scheduling tool for meetings, projects and task assignment, and, basically anybody who needs a window to the world outside their current environment.
, to
my stance above, mobile
have simplified the process of certain functions that in the previous centuries would have been a hassle to access. Contacting emergency services, monitoring your home security footage, controlling your electric cars, controlling your home
..Replace the punctuation
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All these and more are why the advancement of mobile
is a great cause,
, we cannot ignore the negative effects it has caused. There
wouldWrong verb form
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always be two sides to a coin and the positive impacts of mobile
comesChange the verb form
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itsCorrect pronoun usage
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siblingFix the agreement mistake
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how much we have integrated the
of mobile
into our daily activities, it has reduced us into a population devoid of personal human interaction. Personal relationships have disintegrated into calls and texts, waiving the need to personally communicate with another person. We now prefer the convenience of a video call over the inconvenience of an outing with friends or a text over the need to communicate in person with a loved one. We
cannot ignore the overload of information that the increased usage of
bringChange the verb form
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about. Children now have access to online materials and articles that are detrimental to their mental health and emotional intelligence because of easy access
gotten Verb problem
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via a mobile
In conclusion, we cannot deny the need for a mobile
. Its everyday
in our lives cannot be underestimated but we need to moderate the impact
inChange preposition
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our personal relationships and remove the instances where actual interactions are replaced by
technologyReplace the word
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