IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern-day society, usage of smartphones has dramatically increased and people can do various things thanks to them. This essay believes that the primary benefit is related to the functionality of this device, whi
Nowadays we are more dependent on our cell phones than before. The usage of smartphones is enormously increasing every day by creating new platforms. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of usin
An increase in mobile phone usage has increased sharply in the twenty-first century. Besides making a phone call, mobile phones nowadays are multifunctional devices. From my point of view, cell phones enhance convenience
In the wise century that we live in, using cell phones increased incredibly. Furthermore, mobile phones have widely used for different purposes besides communication. Here, in this essay, I am going to highlight the mai
Mobile phones are an inevitable part of our lives in this century Moreover, we can have a multi-purpose use of cellphones in our life, instead of the traditional use for making phone calls. This essay will further elabor
In today's context of the world, smartphones have become an essential piece of equipment for day-to-day life. Other than making voice calls, mobile phones can be used to do numerous things. This essay will elaborate ben
It is no doubt that in the twenty-first century people have started to use smartphones more than other devices for many purposes including making phone calls. This phenomenon brought up some merits such as keeping in tou
An instant elevates in mobile phone usage in society in the twenty-first century gives the opportunities to use cell phones for many purposes in additionally phone calls. That development includes both disadvantages and
It is not a secret that smartphones have become extremely popular these days, and users spend a lot of time on screens. Besides, contemporary cell phones provide quite a few extra options as opposed to those that people
Mobile phones, object newly known to humanity, have recently made a new turn. Nowadays, it is not only used for communications; It can also be used to find information, leisure time, and even finish important tasks. As w
Recently, developing technology gives more opportunities to enhance communication tools such as cell phones. These devices are not only for talking but are only designed for daily jobs. Therefore, it can be seen that th
In the twenty-first ,century the usage of smartphones increased exponentially. In addition, making phone calls is just one of the many functions that this device has. This paper will be discussed the advantages and disad
Most western folks are in possession of a mobile phone and they cannot live without it. In former times, phones were only used for a few calls. Nowadays, mobile phones are used for everything and cannot be excluded from
Mobile phone plays a vital role in human life, the different uses of it has been augmented in these ultra-modern days, besides, the phones devices is not only used for making calls. This essay will discuss the merits and
Mobile phone plays a vital role in human life, the uses phones has been augmented in these ultra-modern days, besides, the cells phones not only use for making calls these days but also, there are different ways to use i
Technological advancement has blessed us with many gadgets and mobiles are one of them and mostly used out of all. Multiple uses of cell phones have made them more popular and their usage has drastically increased among
In this contemporary era, the advancement of technology kept increasing, besides, the masses need to keep up with it. All over the nation, the uses of cell phones are tremendously increased not only for calling purposes
Nodody would dispute the fact that nowadays eveyone is using their phones not only for calls.In this century, the mobile phones technologies increased very fast and now you can use your phone for many different purposes.
At present gadgets have been escalated quickly. Not only are mobile phones used for communication but also for different reasons. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people’s lives are affected by mobile phones, with many advances in this field. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such a
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