competitive era, some people believe university
is a prudent way to secure a
otherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
think soft
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and experiences are more valuable consider by employees.I personally believe that
,Remove the comma
show examples
it all depends on
learningAdd an article
show examples
capacity of
as not all
studentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
achieve good grades so for them handful
skillsChange preposition
show examples
are more valuable and for
it might be
universityCorrect article usage
show examples
..Replace the punctuation
show examples
WithChange preposition
show examples
a doubt ,
Correct article usage
show examples
playChange the verb form
show examples
a crucial role
to increaseChange preposition
show examples
deep knowledge about several
sectorChange the noun form
show examples
as engineer , doctors and pilots.
hand-onCorrect your spelling
show examples
are necessary to get a career especially
marketingChange preposition
show examples
corporationsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
jobs ,
sectorFix the agreement mistake
show examples
medicalReplace the word
show examples
engineerWrong verb form
show examples
which are highly paid only
hiredWrong verb form
show examples
sector require depth of knowledge and studying these subjects not only lead to high
careers but
new successful researches which potentially benefit of society well-being too .
hands onAdd a hyphen
show examples
helps individuals use their
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in real time which
cannotVerb problem
show examples
always possible by
as they focus more solely on
, high
doctorsChange preposition
show examples
and engineers require high and
marks which may not
possibleAdd a missing verb
show examples
for every student. Learning
hand onCorrect your spelling
show examples
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and experiences could help average
get a decent
onChange preposition
show examples
businesses Change the noun form
show examples
as marketing and sales.
, many employees especially
smallChange preposition
show examples
businesses do not want to spend time and money on
to Change preposition
show examples
trainees so having
a Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
experiences and
could easily help one in these
for getting a
In conclusion,
is the most important factor for getting a
high techAdd a hyphen
show examples
medicalsReplace the word
show examples
engineersWrong verb form
show examples
as it requires deep
learningsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
these fieldChange the determiner
show examples
, in my opinion,
Add a missing verb
show examples
only possible for bright
,for average learners ,
Correct your spelling
show examples
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
a prudent way of getting
jobAdd an article
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
sectorsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
.A balanced approach , where
Correct article usage
show examples
is a suitable and best way to grab a career opportunity for excellent
handfulCorrect article usage
show examples
experienceChange preposition
show examples
aChange the article
show examples
best technique for average learners to dominate others
onChange preposition
show examples
businesses Change the noun form
show examples