IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In recent years, the number of students going to different nations to study in universities or colleges has inclined considerably. In my opinion, although there are minor disadvantages, advantages like gaining confidence, having more options and meeting people with various backgrounds are outweighing them.
The growing usage of virtual literature has led to a reduction in paperback books. This essay will discuss the benefits of e-books, namely, they are more easily accessible and cheaper. As well as, touch on the drawbacks, such as, the damaging effects they have on eyesight. I believe the positive effects exceed the negative effects.
One of issues about which parents and teachers are currently concerned is that youngster at the school should not be allowed to watch television. The suggestion, nonetheless, does lead to not only benefits but also problems.
Nowadays, lots of students are willing to study at colleges and universities in another country. But studying abroad is a two-sided affair and this essay will discuss both the pros and cons of this decision.
Some universities require students to choose a variety of subjects and university students should take advantage of this. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this trend, I believe that its pros outweigh its cons.
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