IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that despite the spreading popularity of the online media, traditional newspaper will still hold the most vital position among news readers. In my opinion, this idea is rather absurd as the Internet h
It is sometimes argued that in sprite of the technological development, there will be increasing number of newspapers consumed in the future. I completely disagree with this declaration.
In the modern world, obtaining news on the Internet has become an accelerating trend. I have faith in the likelihood of this trend overshadowing the traditional way of reading newspapers to become the most crucial source
There is little doubt that people are turning to the Internet as the means of finding out the latest Information, but others still believe that conventional newspapers are still the medium of choice for most people. Desp
In the modern world, obtaining news on the Internet has become an accelerating trend. Some people may argue that the traditional way of reading newspapers is much better, and yet I would this trend can overshadow it in t
Some people believe that despite the popularity of online news recently, traditional newspaper will still hold the most vital position for the majority of people. From my perspective, obtaining news on the Internet wil
In the fast-moving and digitized modern world, popularity of online newspapers is steadily accelerating. I strongly believe that the popularization of digital newspapers will soon overshadow the viability of traditiona
The rise of the modern media allowed the world to be flooded with various news from all the countries. The accessibility of online news services helped the news agencies to reach a wide range of readers in a short time.
The rise of the modern media allowed the world to be flooded with various news from all the countries. The accessibility of online news services helped the news agencies to reach a wide range of readers in a shorter time
Reading news on the internet or newspaper for major people have been a heated topic constantly. There is a common notion that newspapers are still the most vital source and this trend will continue. I disagree with the a
In the technological advancement era, it is obviously that online news are gradually replaced the conventional newspapers because of various advantages. Nonetheless, I strongly agree that there are several preponderant e
In the technological advancement era, it is obviously that online news are gradually replace the conventional newspapers because of various advantages. Nonetheless, I strongly agree that there are several preponderant el
It is true that in the modern world people have a tendency to read online newspapers. While I believe that reading news on the Internet can bring people up to date with what had happened effectively, I also believe that
There is no doubt that news reading has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Many people believe that while the internet has become a major source of news, newspapers will always be the best place to know
With the development of Internet, an increasing number of people, especially young people, enjoy reading the news and information online. Despite that fact, some people argue that newspaper will still maintain the domina
It is true that a growing number of people are using the Internet in order to find out the latest news. While newspapers are still popular, I strongly disagree that most people will continue to rely on them as a source
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