IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, almost all countries in the world are getting extremely alike to each other and the reason is that we have access to the similar products and services and have international social networks which incorporates w
The possibility of accessing a market that is more and more global is contributing to uniform the worldwide community. This thing has positive and negative aspects.
Nowadays. there exist similarities among nations by virtue of the same goods that people can purchase around the world. The globalization is being In my opinion, this is a drawback in many different aspects, particularly
In this day and age, the process of globalization has been increasing throughout the last two decades. The development progress of nations reached a peak in the era of cutting-edge technologies due to citizens can purcha
It is widely believed that globalization helps people to be easier shopping, they can buy the same goods at any place around the globe, so this leads to the nations now are becoming gradually similar. In my opinion, this
People can easily purchase the same items from anywhere across the globe since globalization turned the world into a global village, while it also has made countries become similar to one another. From my perspective, th
Differences between countries drastically decreased during the last 15 years. In the modern world, we have easy access to most of the products despite the country we travel to. Nations have started to lose their own uni
Nowadays, the development of modern lifestyle in the glob has provided significant access to all types of goods from different regions. Yet, there remains a controversial debate as to whether the overall efficiency of t
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