IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people consider that it has a lot of benefits to send their children to residential schools. On the contrary, some refuse and argue that there are many constraints to children to study and live in a dormitory. In th
It is often said that residential schools are beneficial to offsprings who will be inhabiting at the school camp or resident house (hostel) through the curriculum. However, the abstract is not entirely straightforward, a
It is often said that residential schools are beneficial to offsprings who will be inhabit at the school camp or resident house (hostel) through the curriculum. Nonetheless, the abstract is not entirely straightforward,
While some people believe that boarding schools are an outstanding option for children, others disagree with this view. This essay will look into both sides of the argument and reach a logical conclusion.
It is often said that boarding schools are the great alternative for children to determine their success education. Meanwhile, other arguments are against the idea. This essay will discuss the debate, and give a concludi
There is an argument that centres on handling kids with school with dormitories by which to the best selection for students or many negative effects to them. Even though boarding schools are a great chance for children,
A number of individuals believe that living in the dormitory during the term is a splendid alternative for school children, especially now that most parents are glued to their works,thus having less time for their kids.
It is irrefutable, majority of masses think that boarding schools are the best choice for children, whereas others think that it is not good, because of some reasons. However, this essay will discuss both sides and befor
some people consider that pansion schools have proper opportunities for their children to be successful ,whereas others are totally disagree with numerous causes.It would be appear that there are some advantageous or dis
Boarding schools, where students have to stay all the time during a particular term, have become increasingly popular these days, although some people do not support the idea of staying at schools. This essay will discus
From my understanding of the situation, it might reflect negative impact on family relations between the child and parents when parents send them to boarding schools in early age. At the same time there are a few advanta
There is a widely-held concerns that boarding schools have overwhelming positives, while other arguments can be made against the idea. This essay will elucidate the debate, and give a concluding views.
There is a widely-held concerns that boarding schools have overwhelming positives, while other arguments can be made against the idea. This essay will discuss the debate, and give a concluding views.
There is no doubt that teaching methods vary from one educational institution to another. However, some people think that streaming is very beneficial for students' academic progress, while others oppose this view and
It is often said that children in boarding schools is the best way to groom up children. However, other are against the opinion for some benefits of doubt.
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