IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One school of thought holds that most people should settle in urban areas instead of living in suburbs or rural areas to reduce the traffic issues. There is a wide range of negative effects brought about by the rapid ris
The main problem that most of the big cities faced is congested, then solution to solved this is advice the citizens live on suburbs or rural area. In this essay, i will examine the effects that contribute towards popula
It is becoming an increasing concern especially in the developed and developing cities relating to the traffic and the transportation. One of the solution is figured out to move to the cities, but such migration is also
Some people argue that the ideal means to decrease the rising problem of traffic and transportation is by encouraging people to relocate to the urban area rather than to suburban areas. In the following essay, I will dis
It is a public concern that there is a dramatic increase in the number of residents settling in urban centers. This issue has several impacts on those living in these cities, and solutions are suggested to improve the qu
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