IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Education always become the main role in human civilization. For some peoples, study in college may not important for their career. However, I strongly believe that knowledge still essential for living. Although, it is d
Some people believe that education in university is necessary for all people even though it couldn't be useful in their career. However, I firmly believe that every person doesn't need to get high education at university
firstly, the academic skills that we gain at school are very helpful at work to ensure that failure being able to minimalized especially in high-risk jobs. for instance, working in the mining industrial sector is only fo
It is thought by some that even if people do not use their knowledge, which they have learnt in classes, in their jobs, they should still need to attend universities. In the following paragraphs, this matter will be disc
Having a bachelor or a master degree seems to be the majority of employee lives. Some people might think that attending university is one of the significant achievements of your life, even though the knowledge might not
Education is vital and essential for living a better life. Nowadays, enrolling to the best performing and world-class universities is common. In this essay, I will discuss the argument from both the sides and give my opi
In today’s modern world, education always been an important element in every individual people’s lives in all corners of the world to achieve success In their careers whether the occupation related to degree that a perso
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