The film industry in present world has a great importance due to their beauty , acting , they are key role in giving the entertainment for the society and it has the responsibility to teach moral and ethics to the societ
With the advancement in technology and the introduction of the high speed internet connection, people with extraordinary performances tend to acquire fame easily. While being on camera, whether a film star or a sports st
It is true that being a known public figure, for example, a cricketer or an actor, brings some issues as well as some benefits. In my opinion, positive aspects of being a celebrity, such as being a huge influencer, outwe
There is no doubt that famous sports personalities and film stars undergo numerous problems and benefits for being celebrities. The main problem is that their privacy gets invaded; however, in my opinion, the advantages
Doubtlessly, celebrities such as an eminent movie star or a well-known athlete has some difficulties besides the advantages of reputation in society that if they cannot control condition, it will be altered to crucial pr
Celebrity status is a cherished designation desired by many individuals. Despite the fact that it is often argued that famous people not only benefit from eminent social status, but it is also plagued with threat of sacr
Most of the people prefer extremely hard and dangerous sports such as sky diving and skiing jump, because when they experience it, their feeling are dramatically higher than other things. Due to danger issues, some peopl
Prior to the nature of being a celebrity, it is often thought that famous people such as film stars experience more drawbacks than benefits I think being a celebrity attracts more benefits compared to any problem that mi
It is an undeniable fact that the popularity of being a celebrity can lead to various advantages and disadvantages. Although stardom can intervene in the private lives of celebrities, in my opinion, the benefits of achie
Everyone wants to do something big, so they can be famous in this world. It is often debated that being a famous in a field such as film industry or sports brings problems or benefits. This essay will cover two areas: p
As they say, nothing comes free. Everything we do there is always strings attached with it, pros and cons, boon or bane and advantages or disadvantages are the kind of variables that one has to always coup with. Indeed i
Although leading movies superstars or sports public figures faces difficulties , there are many benefits associated with it. In consider, the problems of being a celebrity far outweigh the extracted merits.
Travel and tourism industry has developed exponentially in recent decades due to the advancements in air travel and mass advertising. However, certain environmentalists argue that some tourists cause damage to the areas
Being a celebrity requires a lot of relentless effort and determination. However, despite its lack of privacy and fake news, I still believe that the benefits of being a celebrity outweigh the disadvantages.
Celebrities are not only known the world over, they are also fabulously wealthy, and this is the primary reason that being a celebrity is so beneficial. They often become millionaires overnight and this allows them to bu
Mother tongue represents the culture of the specific region. If, verbalization be no more so the civilization of that spoken words would be vanished from earth. So, I disagree if, vocalization was drop off.
Due to the rapid increase in western culture, everyone is working hard to achieve a certain height, where an individual could be recognized, as a famous character, for instance, actors, actresses as well as sports stars.
It is believed that popularity not only brings advantages, but also some disadvantages for the public figures. In my opinion, being popular has more pros than cons.
It has always been a desire for most of the people to become a celebrity. Because the people who are either a movie star or a sports celebrity come across more advantages than disadvantages.